Blue Light Glasses….Eyewear That Offers A Helpful Solution to Screen Time Fatigue

Is the Pandemic Causing Screen-Time betcha but here is a silver lining that has surged to our rescue

Photo courtesy of Business of Fashion, a site I read daily, as it is always on top of the hottest topics of the moment……here is one I’m currently researching and that is Blue Light Eyewear

There is no doubt that with working from home becoming more and more of the norm these days and our overall desire to stay close to our comfort zone not diminishing, the result from all of this new-found screen attachment is an increased need for blue-light blocking glasses to keep our very important eyes as healthy as possible. Even as the lockdowns have begun to ease up, no one knows what the Fall will hold and many companies see the Work From Home (remote working) to carry into 2021.

Whether you are on your laptop, or smart phone for business or personal communication much more, have added Zoom meetings to your every day schedule replacing face-to-face meetings and in many cases social events or visiting with family and friends, or are just having a great time binge watching on your TV all of the shows or movies that you never had time to see……your exposure to blue light emitted by screens has increased for most of us. This has driven many companies to take theses glasses into fashion, just as our current lifestyle change has made MASKS become the fashion accessory of the year and the result is high-fashion options. (My most recent RED glass purchase of Theo Eyewear at EyeGalleryHouston included this feature, a tint that can be added to your prescription lenses, either new or existing says Tina Ozcelik, owner of Eye Gallery.)

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Photo courtesy of

This is not a new eyewear category, as it came onto the scene as a niche category in 2017 or before. In fact, this growth category for eyewear was reported in December of 2019 by the Market Study Report, a marketing research company that stated that this category which produced $18M in 2019 would grow to $24M by 2024. (this was a pre-pandemic forecast before countries around the world were forced into lockdowns which has caused sales in this category to soar!)

What are the benefits you ask!?? Well, the jury is still out (finding more pros than cons) but the brands advertise a decrease in eye strain, better sleep and prevention of eye disease from these blue-light-blocking specs. Whatever, the case, they have definitely taken off and can be found at all price points from ready-made and prescription from online brands such as Warby Parker but most effective as a prescription that is taken to your favorite optical studio which in my case, drove me to my favorite that I trust. Tina at Eye Gallery Houston warned that this is a preventative measure and that all too often when it comes to our eyes we don’t think about the necessary steps to take to ensure that they remain healthy……this is one thing that you can do!

Tina’s best advice to the need for many of us to step and purchase these glasses and/or lenses, which she recommend to about 75% of her customers that come in to her store is simple……think about the health of your eyes and how precious is your eyesight!! Those that she would not recommend these lenses to are Interior Designers, Hair Colorist, or anyone where the shades of white or light colors must be identified and chosen as there is the possibility that these glasses could shade those light colors.

blue light glasses

“Please think about your vision, not just aesthetically but the health of your eyes as well. God only gave you two eyes and you should take every precaution to keep them in tip top shape. Don’t settle for 2nd best……after all, (we) women will spend $2,000 on a designer shoe or handbag and worry about an extra $50 for proper eyewear!”

by Tina Ozcelik, owner EyeGalleryHouston
blue light glasses
Photo courtesy of

About Roz Pactor

I am a fashion and marketing consultant and blogger based in Houston, Texas. With more than three decades of experience in fashion retailing that has spanned Foley’s, Neiman Marcus and Bloomingdale’s NYC, I have earned a reputation for delivering expertise, energy and enthusiasm to my roster of clients. I have remained closely connected with designer women’s fashion as well as the misses, teens, men’s and children’s apparel and accessories markets from coast to coast.

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