Wrist-action, It’s Color Time!

Gone are the days when watches were just for telling time…after all we now have our iPhones, Blackberrys, tablets…many much hipper and more stylish choices, to tell us  exactly what time it is.  It was precisely for that reason, that the watch business had it’s own recession a few years back. The cool people, were not wearing watches and if they did they were not those same metal or leather strap watches that their parents had worn.  The shout out to the watch designers of the world was simple that Fashion  was needed in watches.  They responded, and a new fashion accessory was born out of function!

First, faces got larger and more interesting, shapes, though mostly round were not limited. There were rectangles, squares and even triangles popping up. Metal overtook leather straps and  color in metals became an option, as did other materials such as rubber, ceramics, resin, etc.However, the biggest news that I found dominating the windows of Italy last Fall was the dominance of COLOR.  Newest being real colors and still remaining is the #1 non-color, WHITE! Hard to believe that the first white ceramic and pave diamond Chanel j-12 watch that started it all was developed in 2000 and has become the most copied and the fashion look most worn for Spring and Summer, all over the world!

Versions of that watch can be found at all price points from the original to variations in ceramic, resin or high-grade rubber. White has remained first, black second and this season, everything from citrus orange, to coral red to turquoise blues, greens and even newest is color blocking, accents and the introduction of textures and prints such as tortoise, animal or metallics.

The best and most popular makers up until this season have been consistently, Chanel, Gucci, Armani, Michael Kors, My Michelle, Toy Watch, Nixon.  Remember, watches like sunglasses are a great way to wear a touch of designer without breaking the bank!

This Spring/Summer 2011 season it is safe to say that there is not one watch company that does not have at least White and have also many colors……it has become, once again, the most dominant fashion accessory statement to make, as our many photos only begin to show.

Have fun, collect a wardrobe of colors, stack them up with bracelets and even more watches if you like and wear them with everything from party frocks to shorts on the beach.  Enjoy some colorful wrist-action this summer!

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