Mask-ing Can Cause Mask-ne

One of the things that is happening as a result of the pandemic that did not make the 'silver lining' list!


It is funny the things that have been a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  There have been the great things…spending time with family, experimenting with skincare, learning to bake bread, tackling home projects, and so on.  Then there have been the not so great things…not getting to see extended family, stress eating all that bread, kids missing their friends, and so much more!  One other thing that has landed on the not-so-great list is a thing called Maskne.

Say what?  Maskne is a skin condition that didn’t exist pre-pandemic.  It refers to acne breakouts that are direct result of frequently wearing masks.  In the last 3 months alone, online searches related to Maskne have increased over 1000% which means no one is immune to this new phenomenon.  People who have never had acne before are experiencing breakouts.  I have occasional pimples throughout my T-Zone area but now I breakout on my cheeks and especially around my mouth and jawline.  Why it is happening?  Those masks are actually doing their job and in doing so, trapping sweat and bacteria close to the skin thus causing those lovely pimples.

So what can you do?  Take a look below at my essentials for keeping Maskne at bay.

The Mask


First, wash or disinfect your mask after each use. I know that is harder than it sounds, especially when you end up somewhere mask-less and are lucky enough to wear the one sitting at the bottom of your handbag.  A great mask to try is from Accel Lifestyle, which is made with antibacterial material.  Even after 100 washed, it still has 98% antibacterial power to help keep your skin stay clear. Another reason, a plus, to wear this brand, locally produced by our town’s Megan Eddings, is that the fabric is bamboo and so light and cool for the Texas heat…….perspiration is not great for skin condition either!

The Cleanse


Since I know my mask is the culprit and trapping in some yucky stuff while I am out and about, I wash my face as soon as I get home from my outings, especially in this Houston heat! My favorite cleanser (in the whole wide world) is the Tatcha Deep Cleanse.  It offers a gentle exfoliation to help keep pores clear, cleans effectively and leaves skin soft and hydrated. If I have plans to go back out, I just wash the lower part of my face, leaving my eye makeup intact.

The Treatment


In all my years of fighting acne, I have found products that really, really work!  First, the Odacite Black Cumin + Cajeput Serum[CO1]  is ah-mazing!  It keeps pores clear, diminishes pimples fast and minimizes scarring.  It is a natural and pure formula so I buy this for my 13-year old as well. I also love the Differin Adapalene Gel 0.1% Acne Treatment as well.(see image below)   My dermatologist used to prescribe this for me but it is now available over the counter.


Have you experienced Maskne?  What has helped you in this new fight for clear skin?  Leave us a comment below, please, we’d love to know!!


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